Neuroplasticity is the constant rewiring and reshaping of the brain caused by experience, focused attention (practice), and the explication of implicit memories.
Memories themselves are constellations of neural circuitry firing at once — they’re not tidy or immutable.
By accessing memories, we change them. It’s as if each time you finished reading a book and snapped it shut, some words changed or disappeared. Should you read that book again, the changes may be imperceptible. Perhaps you read that book 100 times, and it tells a different story altogether.
You will never experience the present moment, nor any memory, the same way twice. Each is forever transformed by the very act of experiencing it.
“Neurons that fire together wire together.”
Donald Hebb
“…just by talking about the mind, you help develop it.”
~Daniel J. Siegel, The Whole-Brain Child (Book)