Eliminate Noise In Your Mental Bandwidth

For those inclined to ingest information (ahem), the internet has been both a godsend and a gravity well. Information is now extremely accessible, digestible, and perpetually new.

As convenience increases, there’s more potential for interruptions and impulses to become full-blown distractions.

Gathering information — especially the salacious and provocative kind — can be addictive. But the more unnecessary data you store, the less bandwidth you have to process it. Excess information can dilute your genuine thoughts and feelings, obscuring your perspective. Your opinions become divorced from your convictions.

When you’re overloading on information, it’s easier for your beliefs and emotions to be swayed (especially by news and social media). When that happens, you become a mouthpiece for things you don’t truly believe or understand.

Be aware of these things that erode mental bandwidth:

  • Task switching: Jumping among tasks, especially varied tasks.
  • Attention splitting (multitasking): Trying to focus on multiple things at once, which, even if possible, is impractical.
  • Attention residue: ‘Sticky’ leftover focus allotted to a previous task that can deter your ability to focus on the current task.

“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”

~Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace (Book)